Up for sale is a used Schneider-Kreuznach / Durst Componar 75mm f/4.5 enlarging lens, serial #7373205, which comes with a 4X4 lens-board which features a pilot light. I don't see any scratches to the glass of this small M25 lens, but when I backlight the glass with a flashlight, I do see some larger pieces of internal dust as well as some internal hazing (these flaws are easy to spot in the final pair of photos). Thus, though the lens is in solid working condition in its current state, I've listed it for repair since it would no doubt benefit from an internal cleaning. The lens-board is designed for smaller M25 lenses, so you can't mount an M39 lens to it. Please be sure to fully enlarge the provided photos, and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.